Borehole Equilibration Paper Out

Photo credit: Adrian Dahlmann

Monitor water isotopic composition of xylem directly inside trees?!!! Our main working horse on the ground got finally published, the Stem Borehole Equilibration Method. Its journey started in April 2018 in Sweden, went to Freiburg, Germany in 2019 (see related blog posts), to Costa Rica and Arizona in 2020. The paper includes results of the first two experiments but stay tuned for further publications!


Marshall, J. D., Cuntz, M., Beyer, M., Dubbert, M., & Kuehnhammer, K. (2020). Borehole equilibration: testing a new method to monitor the isotopic composition of tree xylem water in situ. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11.

Stem Boreholes in Roots
Stem Boreholes in Roots

Matthias Beyer
Matthias Beyer
Research Group Leader at TUBS, Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation, Boardsports-fanatic