Annual Meeting of the German Stable Isotope Association (ASI)

Isodrones with two talks

rocket science ;) ;) ;)
rocket science ;) ;) ;)

Last week (9/29 to 10/2) Kathi and me attended the annual meeting of the German Stable Isotope Association in Dresden, Germany ( The meeting spans methodological aspects and practical applications of all stable isotopes and is a great chance to interact with people from different disciplines that are working on isotope methods. It’s been a great conference, especially because it took place the city I studied. Kathi gave her first conference presentation and did super well. It was great to hear encouraging feedback and compliments on trying to make in situ soil and tree water isotopes measurements possible.

Attached, find our presentations.

“Towards a holistic approach to study root water uptake: combining novel in situ and traditional techniques in a tropical dry forest”

“Real-time measurements of water isotopes in soils and plants: Status quo and the dream of integrated soil-plant-atmosphere assessments”

Matthias Beyer
Matthias Beyer
Research Group Leader at TUBS, Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation, Boardsports-fanatic